Sambal Ikan Bakar Manado

This is another dish from the collaboration. The biggest challenge for this collaboration is to create recipes that are fast, easy and yummilicious with ingredients that you already have in your pantry. Sounds exciting right? You probably will not find any sambal caviar or soy sauce spheres in this set of recipes. Probably. Altho, that would be pretty awesome.

One of the famous street food in Singapore is the banana leaf wrapped sambal BBQ stingray. I am not really a fan tho (I definitely will be crucified for saying so). Maybe perhaps, I was overwhelmed by the super spiciness or I just don't like the stingray texture. Yes, the stingray that killed the beloved Steve Irwin. This world is indeed a sadder place without him.

Anyhow, this recipe does not replicate the famous Singapore street food, but indeed it went in a different direction. The sauce is well combined. There is no need to hunt for banana leaves, all you need is an oven. And I chose white flesh fish over other types of fishes, especially stingray.

This is another dish from the collaboration. The biggest challenge for this collaboration is to create recipes that are fast, easy and yummilicious with ingredients that you already have in your pantry. Sounds exciting right? You probably will not find any sambal caviar or soy sauce spheres in this set of recipes. Probably. Altho, that would be pretty awesome.

One of the famous street food in Singapore is the banana leaf wrapped sambal BBQ stingray. I am not really a fan tho (I definitely will be crucified for saying so). Maybe perhaps, I was overwhelmed by the super spiciness or I just don't like the stingray texture. Yes, the stingray that killed the beloved Steve Irwin. This world is indeed a sadder place without him.

Anyhow, this recipe does not replicate the famous Singapore street food, but indeed it went in a different direction. The sauce is well combined. There is no need to hunt for banana leaves, all you need is an oven. And I chose white flesh fish over other types of fishes, especially stingray.

Apakah kamu sudah membuat resep ini? Bagikan foto hasil kreasimu!

ibu pekerja yg hampir 12 jam di luar rumah tapi kl soal makanan untuk keluarga terutama anak2 saya utamakan😊 yang saya share yang pernah saya buat&enak menurut kluarga saya😊titip disave disini karena suka lupa & kadang bikinnya buru2 🤣 yg mau recook silahkan smg suka

Citizen6, Jakarta Resep dari blog mbak nina ya. Dimodifikasi sedikit sesuai jumlah ikan. Saya penasaran sama resepnya karena pakai kacang. Bukan sambal pecel gitu, tapi sambal kecap dengan taburan kacang. Wah sepertinya menggugah selera ya. Dan ternyata memang enak, wangi ikan bakar plus wangi kacangnya klop. Pedesnya juga pas, segar deh.

Bumbu ikannya meresap ke dalam karena saya ungkap ikannya dengan bumbu sebentar dan didiamkan selama 10 menit. Sedap deh. Sayangnya cuma satu, kurang banyak, hihihi, padahal saya udah panggang 8 ekor ikan, tapi ya karena kecil-kecil jadi tetap aja nggak cukup rasanya.

Bahan:1. 8 ekor ikan ukuran sedang dan kecil2. 1 sdt garam3. 1 jeruk nipis, ambil airnyaBumbu:1. 6 cabe merah2. 6 cabe rawit3. 14 butir bawang merah4. 6 siung bawang putih5. 1 sdm ketumbar6. 1 ruas jahe7. 2 sdt garam8. 1 sdt air asam9. 5 sdm kecap manis10. 2 sdm minyak untuk menumisCara Membuat:1. Bersihkan ikan dan kerat-kerat badannya kemudian lumuri dengan air jeruk nipis dan garam. Biarkan selama 30 menit.2. Haluskan cabe merah, cabe rawit, bawang merah, bawang putih, ketumbar, jahe dan garam.3. Panaskan minyak, tumis bumbu halus hingga harum. Tambahkan air asam, aduk hingga rata kemudian matikan api.4. Tambahkan kecap manis, aduk rata.5. Ungkap sebentar ikan dalam bumbu tadi dengan api kecil. Matikan. Lalu diamkan selama 10 menit.6. Panggang hingga matang. Sajikan dengan lalap dan sambal kacang.

Ini resep sambal kacangnya. Sebenarnya cuma sambal kecap plus kacang tumbuk kasar, tapi saya share aja ya resepnya. Kacangnya saya uleg nggak sehalus mbak nina, karena lebih suka yang seperti ini. Saya pakai lalapan daun jarjir khas arab sini dan mentimun arab yang berwarna hijau tua. Hmm, laziiiz.

Resep Sambal KacangBahan:1. 3 sdm kacang tanah goreng, uleg kasar.2. 3 butir bawang merah, iris halus3. 1 buah tomat, potong dadu4. 3 cabe rawit, iris halus5. 3 helai daun jeruk, buang tulangnya dan iris halus6. 2 jeruk nipis, peras airnya (saya skip karena nggak ada)7. Kecap manis secukupnyaCara Membuat:

Aduk rata semua bahan, tambahkan kecap hingga kekentalan yang diiinginkan. Sajikan.Selamat Mencoba

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